Listen to Fred and Sabriya talking about their New Year resolutions (a decision to do something better or to stop doing something bad in the new year) and answer the questions.

Have your already made your own resolutions?



Antonio Bueno said...

Ok!, I got 4 points in my score.

I also have a resolution for this year: I want to work less and go out more.

Conchi said...

If you don´t mind Antonio, I will borrow your resolution for the coming year!

Anonymous said...

Hi Conchi, I am Miguel Angel, your blog is wonderful, I will try to follow it everyweek, I promise to practise English harder than before with the help of your blog. You know listening exams are not my best, but....
And besides I have promised myself not to bite my nails. I CAN'T HELP IT!!!!

Conchi said...

Hi Miguel Ángel. I´m glad you find the blog useful! I´m sure your students have the same opinion about yours.